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Montgomery County organization records - Page

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In order for an unorganized county to be recognized by the state of Kansas, a certain number of householders/legal electors had to petition the governor. The governor would appoint a census taker. Initially, unorganized counties were required to document that they had at least 600 inhabitants in order to be recognized as a county by the state legislature. Over time the number of residents needed to organize a county changed to 1500 and later to 2500 residents. The census was submitted to the governor who then issued a proclamation indicating that the requirements had been met, appointing county commissioners and a county clerk, and naming a county seat. Not all of these documents are available for each county.

Included in this file is the memorial to the governor, a Montgomery County census, and several miscellaneous letters regarding county issues.

Creator: Kansas. Secretary of State
Date: 1869-1870

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Montgomery County organization records - 49

Item Number: 217033
Call Number: Kansas. Secretary of State's Office, County Organization files, ca. 1861-1912
KSHS Identifier: DaRT ID: 217033

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