This census was taken in order to determine eligible voters for elections to be held as proclaimed by Governor Andrew Reeder on November 10, 1854. The categories for information in the census were name, occupation, age, gender, emigrated from, native of United States, naturalized citizen, declarant (intention to become a citizen), Negro, slave, and voter. Only white males over twenty-one were eligible to vote. The districts used for the census were the same as the election districts. A statistical summary of the census followed the enumeration pages. For District 16, the place of election was the house of Keller & Kyle, in Leavenworth City. The boundaries of each district were described in Governor Reeder's proclamation, and it is difficult to determine what counties were in each district. The description of the District 16 follows: "Commencing at the mouth of Salt Creek; thence up said creek to the Military road; thence along the middle of said road to the lower crossing of Stranger Creek; thence up said creek to the line of the late Kickapoo reservation; and thence along the said line to the Thirteenth District; and thence by the same along a line corresponding to the courses of Stranger Creek, and keeping three miles west thereof, the Kansas River; thence down the Kansas River to the Missouri River to the place of beginning."