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Appeal for Pardon - Harry E. Monk - Page

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This file includes general correspondence relating to an appeal for pardon for Harry E. Monk. The letter by Harry E. Monk explains that he is in jail in Leavenworth and needs to provide support for his wife and child. Monk is asking Governor Capper to reconsider his case which the Governor's office responds that they have no jurisdiction in jail sentences. This is part of a bigger collection of Governor Arthur Capper correspondence.

Creator: Kansas. Governor (1915-1919: Capper)
Date: 1915

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Appeal for Pardon - Harry E. Monk - 1Appeal for Pardon - Harry E. Monk - 2Appeal for Pardon - Harry E. Monk - 3Appeal for Pardon - Harry E. Monk - 4Appeal for Pardon - Harry E. Monk - 5Appeal for Pardon - Harry E. Monk - 6Appeal for Pardon - Harry E. Monk - 7Appeal for Pardon - Harry E. Monk - 8Appeal for Pardon - Harry E. Monk - 9

Appeal for Pardon - Harry E. Monk - 1

Item Number: 451612
Call Number: Governor's Office, Governor Arthur Capper, Correspondence Files, General Correspondence - Numerical File, Box 1 Folder 12
KSHS Identifier: DaRT ID: 451612

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