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Nelson and Enola Dreier, Hesston, Kansas - Page

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These photographs are part of the Kansas State Historical Society's online exhibit, "Wheat People: Celebrating Kansas Harvest." This exhibit focuses on the people who have built Kansas' agricultural reputation. In June 1998, the KSHS staff followed harvesters from the Oklahoma border to far northwestern Kansas. They photographed and interviewed families from the top twenty wheat-producing counties in Kansas. The photographs featured here are of Nelson and Enola Dreier of Hesston, Kansas.

Creator: Worley, Barry J
Date: June 1998

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Nelson and Enola Dreier, Hesston, Kansas - 1Nelson and Enola Dreier, Hesston, Kansas - 2Nelson and Enola Dreier, Hesston, Kansas - 3Nelson and Enola Dreier, Hesston, Kansas - 4Nelson and Enola Dreier, Hesston, Kansas - 5Nelson and Enola Dreier, Hesston, Kansas - 6Nelson and Enola Dreier, Hesston, Kansas - 7Nelson and Enola Dreier, Hesston, Kansas - 8Nelson and Enola Dreier, Hesston, Kansas - 9Nelson and Enola Dreier, Hesston, Kansas - 10Nelson and Enola Dreier, Hesston, Kansas - 11Nelson and Enola Dreier, Hesston, Kansas - 12

Nelson and Enola Dreier, Hesston, Kansas - 1

Item Number: 221294
Call Number: 2003-044.02
KSHS Identifier: DaRT ID: 221294

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