These two reports by the Division of Vital Statistics, Kansas Board of Health, compile statistics on Kansas deaths by cause and by county for 1918. The first volume reports death by cause; the second by county. During World War I, an influenza epidemic swept around the world killing millions. Evidence suggests the disease started in Kansas with most deaths occurring in 1918. The county numbers are listed in the volume on counties. The disease numbers are listed in the volume on causes. The social condition section likely refers to marital status (single, married, widowed, divorced, and unknown). The nativity section likely refers to native born or foreign born. In this full volume, there is a page for each county, and additional pages for larger cities – possibly the first class ones. Each page bears a number that corresponds to the number on the page of statistics at UID 217181.
Numbers 1 thru 105 are assigned to the 105 counties in alphabetical order.
Numbers 200-400 are assigned to the cities within those counties
1 = Allen County
201 = Iola, Allen County
105 = Wyandotte County
205 = Kansas City, Wyandotte Co.
305 = Rosedale, Wyandotte Co.
(You'll notice that the companion number for County 5 is 405 as to not duplicate 205 and 305.)
In the full volume, you can go from county to county quickly by using the Page Selection drop down menu (on the upper left-hand side of the image).