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Moses Grinter, the first permanent white settler in Wyandotte County, was sent in 1831 by the United States Govemment to establish a ferry across the Kansas River. The ferry crossing served as a military link between Fort Leavenworth and Fort Scott. The first ferry on the Kansas was called the Military Ferry, then Delaware Crossing and Secondine Landing, and finally, Grinter's Ferry. Travelers crossing on the ferry paid $.50 per person and $2.00 per wagon to cross.
Grinter settled near the ferry, married Anna Marshall, a Delaware Indian, and raised a family of ten children. The Grinter family first lived in a log house, but in 1857, Moses Grinter built a stately brick house, currently located at K-32 Highway and South 78th Street.
Date: Between 1831 and 1840
Item Number: 210733
Call Number: B Grinter, Moses *1
KSHS Identifier: DaRT ID: 210733
Collections - Photograph
Date - 1800-1819
Objects and Artifacts - Communication Artifacts - Documentary Artifact - Photograph
People - Notable Kansans - Grinter, Moses
Places - Counties - Wyandotte
Thematic Time Period - Indian Territory, 1820 - 1854
Transportation - Water - Ferries
Type of Material - Photographs