Matching items: 15
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People - Notable Kansans - Doy, John, b. 1812
Showing 1 - 15 of 15 (results per page: 10 |
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Cyrus Kurtz Holliday to Mary Dillon Holliday
Dr. John Doy's carbine
Edmund Burke Whitman to George Luther Stearns
Ephraim Nute to Franklin B. Sanborn
Ephraim Nute to unidentified recipient
Ephraim Nute to [Unidentified recipient]
Ephraim Nute to unidentified recipient [Franklin B. Sanborn?]
Expenses of Trip for rescuing Dr. Doy
John Doy and rescue party
John Doy and rescue party
John Doy and rescue party
John Doy to Strong
John Doy to Thomas W. Higginson
Joshua A. Pike
Samuel F. Tappan to Thomas W. Higginson
Showing 1 - 15